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  • Archive for June 25th, 2014

    China plans to establish global financial institution

    Wednesday, June 25th, 2014

    China is expanding plans to establish a global financial institution to rival the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank (ADB), which Beijing fears are too influenced by the US and its allies, Prime reported citing The Financial Times

    NMC places 5-year bonds worth 1.2bln drams on NASDAQ OMX Armenia

    Wednesday, June 25th, 2014

    The National Mortgage Company (NMC) has for the first time placed five-year bonds worth 1.2 billion drams on NASDAQ OMX Armenia platform, the press office of the company reported

    Armenia’s National Mortgage Company refinanced 4,644 loans worth 37.4bln drams

    Wednesday, June 25th, 2014

    The National Mortgage Company (NMC) refinanced 4,644 mortgage loans worth a total of 37.4 billion drams as of June 24, 2014. Of them, 2,973 loans worth 28.8bln drams were refinanced in Yerevan and 1,671 loans worth 8.6bln drams in the country’s regions, the press office of the company reported