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  • Archive for November 21st, 2014

    Armenia’s gross international reserves drop to $1,663.3mln in Q3

    Friday, November 21st, 2014

    Armenia’s gross international reserves fell by 6.7% to $1,663.3 million as of the end of the third quarter 2014, the Central Bank of Armenia reported today

    Card transactions hike to 108.2bln in Armenia in September

    Friday, November 21st, 2014

    Total volume of all card transactions in Armenia amounted to about 108.2bln drams in September, an increase of 3.7% compared to August, reads the Central Bank of Armenia monthly information bulleting for September 2014

    Anelik Bank winner in a Armenian national bank history competition

    Friday, November 21st, 2014

    The staff of Armenia’s Anelik Bank has won the competition on history of the country’s national bank and trade unions, the bank’s press office reported