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  • Archive for June 19th, 2015

    Saribek Sukiasyan re-elected as Armeconombank board chairman

    Friday, June 19th, 2015

    Armeconombank (AEB) saw all its key financial indicators to grow in 2014, the bank said in a statement issued after Friday’s annual meeting of shareholders

    Armenian government proposes to remove central bank's debt from 'state debt' concept

    Friday, June 19th, 2015

    The National Assembly of Armenia is discussing today the government-proposed amendments to the state debt law that imply removal of the central bank’s debt from ‘state debt’ concept

    VTB bank (Armenia) and VISA announce traditional annual promotion campaign

    Friday, June 19th, 2015

    VTB Bank (Armenia) and Visa have announced their traditional annual campaign designed to encourage cashless payments