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  • Archive for July 27th, 2015

    Central Bank auctions 500 million drams worth short-term government bonds

    Monday, July 27th, 2015

    Armenia’s Central Bank has auctioned today 500 million drams worth short-term government bonds of AMGT1326A159 issue maturing in 13 weeks

    Fitch affirms Armenia’s credit rating at 'B+' and forecast slightly higher economic growth

    Monday, July 27th, 2015

    The Fitch credit rating agency said today in a note that Armenia’s exposure to Russia — particularly as a source of remittances by expatriate Armenian workers — appears to be a key risk for Yerevan’s economy

    Armenian Central Bank’s total external liabilities drop by 1.9% in May to $620.7 million

    Monday, July 27th, 2015

    Armenian Central Bank’s total external liabilities in late May 2015 stood at $620.7 million, having decreased by 1.9% from the previous month, according to the regulator’s monthly bulletin for May

    Dollar-dram exchange transactions at NASDAQ OMX ARMENIA total $3.25 million last week

    Monday, July 27th, 2015

    Dollar-dram exchange transactions at NASDAQ OMX Armenia stock exchange totaled $9.35 million over a period between July 20 and 24 against $7.5 million one week before

    $62.8 million bought by commercial banks at Armenia's intra-banking forex market

    Monday, July 27th, 2015

    Commercial banks bought $62.8 million at 478.91 drams per one dollar at Armenia’s intra-banking foreign exchange market over a period between July 20 and 24