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  • Archive for November 26th, 2014

    Central Bank auctions 2 billion drams worth mid-term government bonds

    Wednesday, November 26th, 2014

    Armenia’s Central Bank said it has auctioned today two billion drams worth mid-term government (treasury) bonds of AMGN36294175 issue maturing until 29 April 2017

    Russia will lose one trillion rubles in revenue in 2015 – minister

    Wednesday, November 26th, 2014

    Russia will lose one trillion rubles in revenue in 2015 because of worsening external economic situation, slowing domestic economic growth and reduction in imports, Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov said Wednesday when speaking at the Federation Council, the upper chamber of Russian parliament

    Share of Armenian commercial banks’ non-performing assets 5.88% in September

    Wednesday, November 26th, 2014

    The share of non-performing and written down from banks’ balances assets was 5.88% in September 2014 after shrinking 0.29 percentage points, compared with the previous month, the Central Bank of Armenia reports at its website

    Armenia’s aggregate demand to drop 1.4% in 2014 – Central Bank’s projection

    Wednesday, November 26th, 2014

    According to the Central Bank of Armenia (CBA) projections, gross domestic expenditures in the economy are expected to reduce by 1.4% as of the end of 2014, says the regulator’s inflation report based on monetary-credit policies program for Q4 and actual performance for Q3